Mary Baldwin is kicking off the 2035 strategic planning process, and the community is invited to participate in conceptualizing the vision for ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓ in the next decade and beyond.

Over the next three months, this process will engage faculty, staff, students, alumni, Trustees, and community members in listening sessions to gather ideas for the future of Mary Baldwin. The ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓ Administration will analyze feedback from listening sessions and additional data to build a survey for distribution following spring break. 

Timeline for Strategic Planning Process

Opportunities for gathering ideas, suggestions, and feedback from ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓ stakeholders will be spread across the following phases: 

After the plan has been drafted, reviewed by the campus, and adopted by the Board of Trustees, implementation teams will deploy the plan.

We look forward to engaging with all stakeholders throughout this process.

Dr. Jeff Stein, president, charged a Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) composed of faculty, staff, students, alumni, and Trustees, who represent a diversity of experiences, roles, and perspectives.

ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓ's 10th president, Dr. Jeffrey Stein.

Goal of the Strategic Planning Process

To engage all Mary Baldwin stakeholders in envisioning a distinctive and sustainable future that will drive our work to serve students and advance learning. 


Urgency and opportunity across higher education and at Mary Baldwin, including demographic changes, financial challenges, student success, skepticism regarding cost/outcomes, changing workforce, and role of technology/AI. 


ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓ empowers inclusive leaders to create lives of purpose and professional success in our changing world.

Charge to the Strategic Planning Committee

The strategic planning committee is charged with:
  1. Engaging Mary Baldwin stakeholders — students, faculty, staff, alumni, the Board of Trustees, families, community and institutional partners, and others — in order to: 
    • Gather input, feedback, and ideas and envision the direction for ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓ in and beyond the next decade. 
  2. Formulating themes and actions for the draft of Mary Baldwin’s next strategic plan, through an inclusive and iterative process that includes:
    • Listening sessions and a survey for a broad range of constituents.
    • Sharing updates and progress with the university community.
    • Regularly asking for feedback from all stakeholders. 
  3. Researching, considering, and addressing challenges and opportunities facing Mary Baldwin and higher education, including but not limited to topics and questions listed below and with the goal of achieving increased retention and graduation rates as well as financial sustainability in all operations and programs. 

Time Frame and Timeline

The plan should anticipate the overall strategic direction of the University for the next decade, while creating objectives and action steps through 2030. A draft of the plan should be completed by August 2024 to be shared with campus constituencies and in preparation for a September 2024 Board of Trustees meeting.

Potential Questions for Consideration