
Pamela R. Bailey

Associate Dean and Director, School of Education 540-735-5372

Dr. Pam Bailey holds a BS from West Virginia State College in secondary mathematics education. She also earned a MA in education, specializing in diverse learners, from the University of Phoenix. Her PhD is from George Mason University where her degree was in mathematics education leadership with a minor in administration and supervision.

Prior to coming to Mary Baldwin, Dr. Bailey was employed at George Mason University as an assistant professor teaching courses in mathematics education and secondary mathematics education. She also worked for several years as the secondary mathematics coordinator in Spotsylvania County Schools and as a secondary math teacher in Stafford and Westmoreland Counties.

Dr. Bailey became part of the Mary Baldwin faculty in 2014 teaching in the Master of Arts in Teaching and the Adult Degree programs. She also works as an advisor, assisting and guiding students as they pursue higher education.

As an active member of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Dr. Bailey has presented at several state, regional, and national conferences. Her research interests include leadership for school change involving mathematics education leaders (mathematics specialists) and the transformation of mathematics instruction using rich tasks and constructivist approaches.